
1962년 경기도 생
1993년 서울대학교 미술대학원 조소과 졸업
1990년 서울대학교 미술대학 조소과 졸업


2023 제14회 ‘작업의 언저리’ 도튼 겔러리(인천)
2023 제13회 ‘Flat earth’ (CICA 미술관,김포)
2023 제12회 ‘Just around the corner’ (갤러리홍,서울)
2022 제11회 ‘시간의 변주’ (아트스페이스 플라스크,서울)
2016 제10회 ‘안수진 초대전 ’(갤러리 지오:타 기획,서울)
2015 제9회 ‘그림자’ (대구 봉산미술관 초대,서울)
2014 제8회 ‘움직임의 시학’ (현대기아차 남양연구소 갤러리 초대)
2010 제7회 ‘움직임의 시학’( 미국링컨센터 & 서울문화재단 초대,서울)
2010 제6회 ‘Time Box’( 부티크모나코 미술관 초대,서울)
2009 제5회 ‘Frame’ (김종영 미술관 초대, 서울)
2004 제4회 ‘Metronome’(일민 미술관 기획,서울)
1999 제3회 ‘혓바늘’ (인화랑 초대.서울)
1996 제2회 ‘Neo Kinetic Arts installation show’ (토탈 미술관 기획,장흥)
1994 제1회 ‘潛行 잠행’ (금호미술관 기획,서울)
수상 및 기타

2023년 ‘Flat earth’ (CICA 미술관 개인전 선정)
2009년 ‘2009 올해의 작가 선정’ (김종영 미술관 개인전 초대)
1999년 모란 조각 대상전 우수상 (모란 미술관)
1996년 올해의 좋은 전시로 선정 (한국문화예술진흥원)
1992년 젊은모색 92-작가선정(국립현대미술관)
1991년 대한민국 미술대전 조각부문 특선(국립현대미술관)
1990년 대한민국 미술대전 조각부분 입선(국립현대미술관)

2003 인천미디어아트비엔날레: 신체적 풍경 (인천예총문화회관)
2002 제2회 서울국제미디어아트비엔날레-Media_City Seoul 2002 달빛흐름 (서울시립미술관)
1996 작은조각 트리엔날레 1996(워커힐미술관)

2023 끝나지않은 여행/고 정재철 추모전  (금산겔러리)
2023 41회 화랑미술제 (COEX)
2022 ‘Time. lines unsaid’ 안수진+오현아 2인전 (PL갤러리 초대,서울)
2021 ‘비확정메뉴얼: 드로잉 시점‘ (양평군립미술관 )
2020 ’기술에 관하여‘ (부산현대미술관)
2019 한국비디오아트 7090 ; 시각 이미지 장치 (국립현대미술관)
2018 키네틱아트,투데이-전시기획(김종영 미술관)
2018,2015,2010,2008,2005,1997,1992 서울조각회 (영은미술관 외)
2016 ’SeMA Gold X ; 1990년대 한국미술‘ (서울시립미술관)
2015 김종영과 그의 빛- (김종영 미술관)
2015 ’장 팅글리의 공구상자’ (포항시립미술관)
2014 겔러리가회 개관기념전 (갤러리가회, 서울)
2014 BioArt-초대작가전 (국립과천과학관)
2013 국제조각패스타 부스개인전(한가람미술관 예술의전당, 서울)
2013 행복의 나라–양평 (양평군립미술관)
2013 마이아미 아트페어 (Art Miami.USA)
2013 팜비치 아트페어 (Art Palmbeach.USA)
2013 스틸아트전 (포항시립미술관)
2011 시간의 풍경전 (Art Center NABI)
2011 움직이는 미술전 (한가람미술관 예술의전당, 서울)
2011 키네틱 아트전 (제주도 도립미술관)
2011 한국조각 다시보기 그 진폭과 진동 (소마 미술관)
2010 오! 명화 (경기도 미술관)
2010 SOAF 서울오픈아프페어 (COEX)
2010 과정을 묻다 (모란 미술관)
2009 장팅글리의 공구상자 (포항시립미술관)
2009 성균관대학교 미국 유타대 교수작품 교류전
2008 삶에 난 구멍 (동덕미술관)
2008 과학정신과 현대미술 ( KAIST)
2007 백남준 회고전 (예화랑)
2007 관객을 찾아가는 조각전 (마나스 갤러리)
2006 EHS project (세종문화회관 미술관)
2006 Media Scene In Seoul- 메르츠의 방 (서울시립남서울미술관)
2005 요술*미술 (대구MBC Gallery M)
2005 예술과 과학의 판타지: Artist-PROJECT (사비나미술관,KIST)
2000 말을 걸어오는 성 (동덕 화랑)
2005 Go!Go! 신나는 미술관 (인사 아트센터)
2005 Mapping on the Root (경원대학교 미술관)
2005 키네틱 아트-다시 쓰는 파블로 곤충기 (가일 미술관)
2005 한국미술의 새로운 흐름 (모란 미술관)
2005 하드코어 머신 (대안공간 휴, 스케이프)
2004 나는 작품을 만지러 미술관엘 간다. (수원시 미술 전시관)
2004 민통선 예술제 (석장리 미술관)
2003 물 위를 걷는 사람들 (서울시립미술관)
2002 움직임이 있는 미술전 (인천,광주 신세계갤러리)
2002 황금날개 (모란 미술관)
2001 기초/전망 예술의 힘:청년작가전 (서울 미술관)
2001 미술에 담긴 과학 (대전시립미술관)
2000 대진대학교 교수작품전 (덕원미술관)
2000 Virtually yours (세종문화회관)
2000 놀이공원 전 (성곡미술관)
1999 ‘미메시스의 정원-생명에 관한 테크놀로지아트전’ (일민미술관)
1999,98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91 Logos & Pathos (관훈미술관)
1999 모란 조각 대상전 (모란미술관)
1999 호호탕탕 일월영측-청년작가전 (서울시립미술관)
1999 속초 관광 EXPO (속초시)
1999 소리가 있는 풍경 전 (국립국악원)
1998 대진대학교 교수작품전 (의정부문화원)
1997 현대조각의 단층전 (일민미술관)
1997,96,94,93,92,91 현대공간회 전 (문예진흥원 외)
1996 모란 미술 대상전 (모란미술관)
1996 과학 + 예술 전 (과학기술진흥재단)
1996 소장품 전 (토탈미술관)
1995 D.M.Z (공평아트센터)
1995 과학 + 예술전 (과학기술진흥재단)
1995 PM2 (토아트스페이스)
1995 시멘트와 미술의 만남전 (성곡미술관 개관기념)
1994 한일 현대작가전 (일본문화원)
1994 흐르는 물 전 (경기도 문화회관)
1994 전기 전자 엔터테인먼트 세미나 (KAIST)
1994 PM2 (토아트스페이스)
1992 가설의 정원 (금호미술관)
1992 젊은모색 전 (국립현대미술관)
1992 과학 + 예술전 (COEX, 과학기술진흥재단)
1991 물-존재와 공간전 (이콘갤러리)
1991 3인의 조각전 (바탕골미술관)
작품 소장

부산현대미술관, 포항시립미술관, 경기도현대미술관, 모란미술관, 토탈미술관, 금호미술관,
국립현대미술관 미술은행, 연성대학교, 인화랑, 비컨갤러리, 분당 한국학원, 벽산건설,
보령제약회사, 송도더샵 주상복합아파트, 일산유승종합건설 주상복합아파트, 분당서울대학병원

2009년–2018년 성균관대학교 미술학과 겸임교수,
2004년–2006년 경원대학교 조소과 겸임교수
서울대학교 이외 대학교 강의
Publications,Press 출판.보도

1996.5. [시사저널 SISAJOURNAL] monthly journal.
‘Art Exhibition of Ahn, Soo JIn – Showing the movement in Art’
1996.12. [공간 SPACE arts & architecture;environment] monthly journal.pp91-109
‘Rising Artist’ -by art critics Rhee Jong Soong,Shim Sang Yong
1. ‘The world of Ahn, Soo Jin-Prosody in Movement and Equipollence in Consciousness’
2. ‘Sensibility of Machinery and Poem in Ahn Soo Jin’s Art’
1996.Summer [REVIEW-7th] seasonal journal. pp 80-91
‘VISUAL ART- Poetic Movement –The possiblities of Ahn,Soo Jin’s Kinetic Sculpture’
2005 [Art and Culture 이응과 리을 Publication] yearly journal.pp 223-263
[ 제 3의 텍스트The 3rd Text-]‘Allegory and Algorithm-Artist Ahn, Soo Jin’
2005.1.1 [KBS Radio Program Lee Joo Hyang’s Culture Focus]
‘Artist interviw- Ahn Soo JIn’
2009.12.19 [ 주간한국Weekly Korea ] reporter Park WooJIn
‘우리의 시각은 디지털에 항복할 것인가?- Ahn Soo,Jin electro –Kinetic art’
2010 [Specially Invited Exhibition for Seoul Educators Workshop
in alliance with Lincoln Center Institute, N.Y.} pp 10-11
‘Ahn, Soo Jin’s Kinetic Art’-by art critic Joo Hyun Kim
2011 [Art Center NABI 2011/ Happy Window-Folding Screen of Time]
‘Interview of the artist- Ahn, Soo Jin’ for 6 minutes
2012.12 [NewsMaker-Korean Media Company] p169.
‘Korean Art- Artist Ahn Soo Jin ; Unfolding the life’s fear that overwhelm Art’
 2014.6. [POPULAR MECHANICS-Russia version] monthly journal. pp126-129
‘WINGS and TAILS –Ahn Soo Jin’ by Svitlana Brazhnikova
20225.5. [한국경제 Han Kyung Culture News] on Ahn Soo JIn’s Solo Exhibition
reporter Bora Kim

tel 010-9011-3079
e-mail dkstnwls@gmail.com, 800jinahn@gmail.com,  aisis28@naver.com
인스타그램 @ahn.soo.jin



born in 1962- Kyunggido, South Korea


1993 MFA in Fine Arts (Sculpture) Seoul National Univ. Korea
1990 BFA in Fine Arts (Sculpture) Seoul National Univ. Korea
SOLO Exhibition

2023 13th ‘Flat earth’(CICA Museum,Kimpo,Korea)
2023 12th ‘Just around the corner’(Gallery Hong,Seoul)
2022 11th ‘The Variations of time’ (Art Space Plasque, Seoul)
2016 10th Ahn Soo Jin Solo exhibition (Gallery Giotta, Seoul)
2015 9th ‘Shadow ’(Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu Korea)
2014 8th ‘Poetics through Movement’ (Hyundai Kia Namyang laboratory Gallery,Korea)
2010 7th "Poetic through Movement“ (Seoul Culture Center, Korea)
2010 6th "Time Box “ (Boutique Monaco museum, Korea)
2009 5th ‘Frame’ (Kim Chong Yung Museum)
2004 4th "Metronome-video & kinetic Installation" (Illmin museum of Art, Seoul)
1999 3rd "Canker Sore" (IHN Gallery, Seoul)
1996 2nd "Neo Kinetic installation show(Total Art Museum of Art, Kyounggido,Korea)
1994 1st "Submergence" (Kumho Art Museum,Seoul)
Honers and Awards

2023 Honored for solo exhibition (CICA Museum)
2009 Honored as ‘Aritist of 2009’ (Kim ChongYung Museum)
1999 Granted Honorable Prize-MORAN Sculpture Competition(Moran Art Museum, Korea)
1996 Selected as Honorable Exhibition of the Year (Korea Culture Art Association)
1992 The Grouping Youth'92-selected artist
(National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Arts. Korea)
1991 Granted Special Prize at Grand Art Exhibition of Korea (Fine Arts)
(National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Arts, Korea)
1990 Granted Selected Prize at Grand Art Exhibition of Korea (Fine Arts)
(National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Arts, Korea)

2003 Incheon Media Arts Biennale (Incheon city cultural center, Korea)
2002 2nd Seoul International Media Art Biennale-Media city (Seoul Museum of Art)
1996 Small sculpture Triennial 96 (Walkerhill Art Museum, Seoul)

Invitational Exhibitions

2023 An unfinished journey / Jung Jae-cheol Memorial Exhibition (Gumsan gallery)
2023 41th Galleries Art Fair (COEX,Seoul)
2022 ‘Time,lines unsaid-Ahn Soo Jin & Oh Hyunah exhibition’(Plan Living Gallery,Seoul)
2021 Undefined Manual-Drawing view point (Yangpyung Museum of Art,Gyeonggi-do,Korea)
2020 ‘Concerning the ART-Technology’(Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Korea)
2019 ‘Korean Video Art from 1970s to 1990s;Visual Imaging Apparatus’
(National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art)
2018 Kinetic Art,Today (Kim Chong Yung Museum of Art, Seoul)
2018,2015,2010,2008,2005,1997,1992 Seoul Sculptors society (Youngeun Museum of Art~)
2016 SeMA Gold X ; Korean Art in the 1990s (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
2015 Sculptor Kim Chong Yung and his Era (Kim Chong Yung Museum of Art, Seoul)
2015 Les Caisses a outils de Jean Tinguely (Pohang Museum of Steel Art)
2014 Gallery Gahoe opening exhibition (Gallery Gahoe, Seoul)
2014 BioArt-exhibition of Invited Artists (Gwacheon National Science Museum, Korea)
2013 Art Palm Beach (Art fair, USA)
2013 Art Basel Miami (Art fair, USA)
2013 Happiness of Yangpyung Country (Yangpyung Museum of Art,Gyeonggi-do)
2013 Steel Art (Pohang Museum of Art, Korea)
2013 International Sculpture Festa 2013 (Hangaram-Seoul Arts Center,Seoul)
2011 Landscape of Time (Art center NABI, Seoul)
2011 Reviewing Korean Sculpture-Attitude and Vibration (Soma Museum of Art, Seoul)
2010 Kinetic Art (Jejudo City Art Museum)
2010 Meet the Kinetic Art (Gyeongnam Art Museum)
2010 Ask the process (Moran Museum of Art,Gyeonggi-do,Korea)
2010 ‘Oh! Masterpiece’ (Gyeonggi museum of Art,Gyeonggi-do)
2009 Sungkunkwan Univ & Utah state Univ Exchange Art Exhibition of Professors (Sungkunkwan Univ. gallery,Seoul)
2008 Artists,What is science for you? (KAIST,Seoul)
2008 Flying on a Hole Time in Life (Dongduk Art gallery, Seoul)
2007 The Friends of Namjun-Pak (Yhe gellery, Seoul)
2007 Seoul sculptors society (Manas gallery, Seoul)
2007 Jung Ang High School Centennial exhibition (Gallery M, Seoul)
2006 Media Scene In Seoul 2006-Merz's Room (Seoul city Museum,Seoul)
2006 EHS project (SeJong Art Center, Seoul)
2005 Artist-PROJECT -Fantacy of Art and Science (Sabina gallery, KAIST,Seoul)
2005 Magic & Fine arts (Daegu MBC galleryM, Korea)
2005 Go! Go! Fun Art Museum (Insa Art center, Seoul)
2005 Kinetic Art (Gallery art center,Gyeonggi-do)
2005 Mapping on the Root (Kyungwon Univ. galiery,Gyeonggi-do)
2005 Hardcore machine (Hue alternative space,Seoul)
2005 The new Art flow of Korea (Moran Museum of Art,Gyeonggi-do)
2004 ‘1'm going to Museum to touch an art piece’ (Suwon Museum of Art,Suwon)
2003 ‘People walking on the water-Chun-Ge-Stream Project’(Seoul Museum of Art,Seoul)
2002 Art in Movement ( Shinseage gallery,Incheon)
2002 The Golden wings (Moran Museum of Art,Seoul)
2001 Science in Art (Deajeon Municipal Museum of Art, Korea)
2001 "Foundations- Perspectives" Exhibition (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
2000 "To speak about gender exhibitions ‘(Dongdeok gallery, Seoui)
2000 "Play ground" Exhibition (Sunggok Museum, Seoul)
2000 'Media Art21:Virtualy Yours" Exhibition (Sejong culture center, Seoul)
2000 Professor of Daejin Univ Fine Art Exhibition (Dukwon gallery, Seoul)
1999 Lyric Festive Scenery with Poem, Art, Dance & Music
(National Center for Korea Traditional Performing Arts, Seoul)
1999 International travel B(PO'99 (Sokcho Museum, Sokcho, Korea)
1999 Young Artist in Korea (Seoul City Museum, Seoul)
1999 The 2nd MORAN Scuipture Competition (Moran Museum, Seoul)
1999,98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91 Logos and Pathos Exhibition (Kwanhoon gallery, Seoui)
1999 ‘The garden of Mimesis; A Note on the Life Written by Technology Artist’
(lilmin Museum of Art,Seoul)
1998 Daejin Univ Professors’s Fine Art Exhibition (Dukwon Museum of Art, Seoul)
1997 The Exhibition of Gaemi association (Jungang High school, Seoul)
1997 Exhibition of The Dislocation of Modern Sculpture (lllmin Museum of Art. Seoul)
1997 18th Annual Members Exhibition of Seoul sculptors society
(City hall Art Museum, Seoul)
1997,96,94,93,92,91 Hyundai-Gonggan Exhibition (Korean Culture &Arts center, Seoul~)
1996 Science and Art show'96- interactive gallery (COEX. Seoul)
1996 The MORAN Sculpture Competition (Moran Art Museum, Seoul)
1996 Art Collection of Total Art Museum (Total Art Museum,Seoul)
1995 ‘Fusing Cement in Arts’ (Opening exhibition of Sunggok Museum, Seoul)
1995 P.M.2 (To Art space, Seoul)
1995 Science and Art show (COEX, Seoul)
1995 D.M.Z Exhibition (GongPyung Art Center, Seoul)
1994 Korean and Japanese Artist (Japan culture center, Seoul)
1994 P.M.2 (To Art space, Seoul)
1994 Science and Art show (COEX, Seoul)
1994 Electricity entertainment seminar (KAIST,Korea)
1994 "A flowing water'(Kyunggido culture center. Korea)
1992 The Grouping Youth'92 (National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Arts. Seoul)
1992 ‘Garden of Hypothesis" (Kumho gallery.Seoul)
1992 Science and Art show (KOFAC. COEX, Seoul)
1991 ‘Object-being and space’ (Icon Gallery.Seoul)
1991 Three Persons Exhibition (Batanggol Gallery, Seoul)
Education career

Adjunct professor at Sungkyunkwan Univ. (2009-2018) & (2002-2005)at Kyungwon Univ. Lectured at Seoul National Univ. among other Univ.
Public Collections

Art bank of National Museum of contemporary Arts (Korea )Total Museum of Art (Korea),
Pohang City Museum of Art (Korea)Kumho Art Museum (Seoul), Museum of Contemporary Art Busan (Korea) Moran Museum of Art (Korea), Kyunggido Museum of Arts (Korea) YeonSung Univ (Korea) Ihn Gallery (Seoul, Korea) Byuksan Construction Inc.(Seoul),
Boryung Medical Inc.(Seoul) Beacon Gallery(Seoul) Bundang Hanguk Institute (Korea)
YouSung Ilsan Apartment(Korea) SongDoThe# Apartment (Korea)
Publications,Press 출판.보도

1996.5. [시사저널 SISAJOURNAL] monthly journal.
‘Art Exhibition of Ahn, Soo JIn – Showing the movement in Art’
1996.12. [공간 SPACE arts & architecture;environment] monthly journal.pp91-109
‘Rising Artist’ -by art critics Rhee Jong Soong,Shim Sang Yong
1. ‘The world of Ahn, Soo Jin-Prosody in Movement and Equipollence in Consciousness’
2. ‘Sensibility of Machinery and Poem in Ahn Soo Jin’s Art’
1996.Summer [REVIEW-7th] seasonal journal. pp 80-91
‘VISUAL ART- Poetic Movement –The possiblities of Ahn,Soo Jin’s Kinetic Sculpture’
2005 [Art and Culture 이응과 리을 Publication] yearly journal.pp 223-263
[ 제 3의 텍스트The 3rd Text-]‘Allegory and Algorithm-Artist Ahn, Soo Jin’
2005.1.1 [KBS Radio Program Lee Joo Hyang’s Culture Focus] ‘Artist interviw’
2009.12.19 [ 주간한국Weekly Korea ] reporter Park WooJIn
‘우리의 시각은 디지털에 항복할 것인가?- Ahn Soo,Jin electro –Kinetic art’
2010 [Specially Invited Exhibition for Seoul Educators Workshop
in alliance with Lincoln Center Institute, N.Y.} pp 10-11
‘Ahn, Soo Jin’s Kinetic Art’-by art critic Joo Hyun Kim
2011 [Art Center NABI 2011/ Happy Window-Folding Screen of Time]
‘Interview of the artist- Ahn, Soo Jin’ for 6 minutes
2012.12 [NewsMaker-Korean Media Company] p169.
‘Korean Art- Artist Ahn Soo Jin ; Unfolding the life’s fear that overwhelm Art’
 2014.6. [POPULAR MECHANICS-Russia version] monthly journal. pp126-129
‘WINGS and TAILS –Ahn Soo Jin’ by Svitlana Brazhnikova
20225.5. [한국경제 Han Kyung Culture News] on Ahn Soo JIn’s Solo Exhibition

tel 82-10-9011-3079 
e-mail dkstnwls㉧gmail.com , 800jinahn@gmail.com,  aisis28@naver.com
instagram @ahn.soo.jin